Your Secret To Happiness At Every Age

Many women are neck-deep in career-building during this decade. The unhappy side effect? Killer work stress. Get off the hamster wheel by avoiding automatic �yes� responses to requests that catch you off guard, says Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, a book chronicling the year that Rubin spent test-driving scientific research and popular wisdom about how to be happy. If saying �yes� makes sense, fine, but being choosy helps you avoid the powerless feeling that leads to burnout. Your 30s: Get babied The 30s are prime time for bringing a little bundle of joy into the world�but pregnant women and new moms often feel depressed and overwhelmed. The good news: Massage seems to help by decreasing stress hormones. A recent study from the University of Miami showed that pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression had a lower incidence if their partners gave them massages twice a week during the pregnancy. Earlier research found that massage can also prevent the milder mood troubles suffered by most new moms. So don�t be afraid to ask for it�often. Your 40s: Act happy The growing field of positive psychology explores how to lead happier, more fulfilling lives (as opposed to treating psychological disorders). One key finding: �We become how we act,� says Christopher Peterson, PhD, a professor at the University of Michigan and author of A Primer in Positive Psychology. Translation? Make a concerted effort to be warm and smiley, and you�ll beat back bad moods. Your 40s: Safeguard sleep Depression spikes for women in their 40s, according to Ali Domar, PhD, director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Boston�and sleep trouble linked to hormone swings is a culprit for many of us. It�s a vicious cycle: Night sweats and hot flashes keep you up, and the ensuing fatigue hikes depression and stress, which can worsen the night sweats. You can break the pattern by doing a cardio workout�anything you find fun�at least three times a week. Don�t give up if you don�t get an instant mood boost: The benefits kick in only after you�ve stuck with it for a while.