Expert Advises Against Sitting Close To Television

A Senior Nursing Officer in charge of Ophthalmology at the Apam Saint Luke Catholic Hospital, Rev. Sister Veronica Adewu, has advised against sitting close to the television set when watching because it could affect the eyes. She was addressing a meeting of the Gomoa Glaucoma Association at the hospital to sensitize them on the need to avoid blindness and eye problems which she said was on the increase in the area. Rev Sis Adewu appealed to the public to protect their eyes by using eye glasses recommended by experts. Rev. Sister Adewu stressed the need for glaucoma patients to follow good eating habits, avoid taking more meat products, more fried rice and fried eggs as well as oily and fatty foods. She said consumption of palm products is not good for persons over 30 years because they increase the cholesterol level and added, �Consume enough mangos and vegetables such cassava leaves and dandelion.� A member of the Association, Madam Esther Hayford, expressed concern about those who do not follow medical advice, especially after having undergone eye operations and said some do not attend follow ups as directed by hospital authorities.