7 Sneaky Ways You�re Ruining Your Skin

Over-exfoliating A little exfoliating can go a long way, removing dead skin cells to reveal a fresh, healthier looking complexion, but too harsh of an exfoliating product or exfoliating too often, can actually do more harm than good. Not only do you risk scratching your skin, but you can also increase oil production, making breakouts worse by spreading bacteria. Talking on the phone too much In case you needed another reason to put down your phone and get some real face time with your family and friends� As it turns out, whether a phone is clean or not (and most likely, it�s not), the friction and heat created just by having it against your face can make you break out. So, if you have to engage in some idle chatter, reach for a headset. Using dirty makeup brushes After washing the dishes, handling the kids and just about everything else, the last thing on your mind is cleaning your makeup brushes. Unfortunately, by skipping that crucial step, you can end up with clogged pores and bacterial infections. Once every three weeks, lather your brushes with a gentle shampoo, rinse well, and then allow them to dry overnight before using them again. It may not be the most exciting thing to do, but it�s definitely necessary�unless you plan on purchasing a new set of brushes every month. Forgetting the neck and chest The face gets a lot of attention � and rightfully so. The skin on your neck and chest, however, is even more delicate and requires just as much protection from the elements. The fix? Next time you use a face cream or give yourself a mask, be sure to do the same to your neck and chest. Using the wrong products for your skin type Oily, sensitive, acne prone, dry� If you don�t know your skin type, chances are, you�re not using the products that would allow you to put your best face forward. Staying up late Sleep is key for many reasons, but did you know that not getting enough rest can also damage your skin? When you�re catching your z�s, your body is busy repairing itself. Shortening that process slows down cell turnover in your body, which changes the way blood flows to the skin and causes your complexion to look pale and ashy. Plus, the added stress of sleep deprivation causes skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis to flare. Skipping the sunscreen A little sunshine can brighten up your day, but without proper protection from harmful UV rays, it can also cause your skin to age rapidly. With SPF in practically every face cream and foundation available, there�s simply no excuse for not including sunscreen � SPF 30 at the minimum � in your beauty routine. If your skin�s not looking its absolute best, you could be doing something wrong. But it�s not simply a matter of switching cleansers.