Fokn Bois To Relocate To Mental Hospital?

When Wanlov the Kubolor exposed his manhood on national television during an interview with Delay, it came as a huge surprise in the entertainment industry. In as much as Wanlov the Kubolor's kind of music isn't the norm coupled with the fact that he wraps a cloth over the lower part of his body and walks bare footed, many people never thought he could get so mad to an extent that he would expose his unkempt private part to the whole of Ghana. His action caused uproar in the entertainment industry and gave many entertainment pundits the opportunity to speak their minds on different entertainment platforms. Most comments made condemned his action and the fact that his action is a big disgrace to the entertainment industry and Ghana as a whole. As mad as Wanlov is, he seemed never to have regretted his actions and given another chance, he would repeat his act and that is exactly what he has done. Just to prove the point that he is not a celebrity but then a ''kubolor'', Wanlov has once again gone some how out of order. He isn't the only person to have gone �insane�. This time around, his colleague Mensah has joined him. Mensah and Wanlov the Kubolor, who form the duo FOKN BOIS, are all over many websites in a picture. One worrying feature about the picture is the fact that they are naked. Yes naked! When I saw the picture, the first question that crossed my mind is the motivation for taking such a picture and what it would be used for. I don't think there is any tangible reason for that picture. FOKN BOIS' picture is a picture that would paint a very bad picture of Ghana and its entertainment industry to the whole wide world. FOKN BOIS should be matured enough to do the right things rather than allowing their crazy and mad ideas to become reality. I wonder the kind of directions their families give to them and if they are happy about their conduct. We at Flex newspaper suggest to FOKN BOIS that they are a huge disgrace to the industry. They need to change their ways or else just like Okomfo Kwadee found solace at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, they might also do same. If their intention is to become popular and have people talk about them, then what I can say is that they have grown past that level. The kind of stature they want to attain in the music industry would come into fruition if they work hard rather than engage in asinine activities. I wouldn't say much again but if care is not taken, FOKN BOIS may end up in the mental hospital soon. Without any regrets, no sane person or celebrity would find joy in doing the kind of things the FOKN BOIS do. I wouldn't want to be referred to as a prophet of doom, but the worse could happen to the FOKN BOIS anytime soon. Whether they put out the picture out into the media or the picture was leaked, I don't care. That picture should not have been taken in the first instance. A mad man isn't the one who roams the city dirty and unkempt and without money to get any balanced diet. A celebrity with so much money who even travels to so many countries in the name of showbiz could also be mad. Who the cap fits, let him or her wear it . I rest my case.