TAF Tariff Demo Records 22 Patrons

The much touted demonstration against utility hikes by the Truth and Accountability Forum (TAF) has failed to attract the numbers usually associated with such demonstrations. In a head count just before the demonstration started 22 members of the Forum gathered at the Obra Spot, in Circle with placards ready for the march. The number hardly increased during the demonstration, Gapko noted. In their red attires and brandishing the placards with inscriptions "Reduce tariffs now", "We won't pay new tariffs" and followed by some police personnel, the demonstrators strutted peacefully along the principal streets of Accra. They are angry with the PURC for the 150 per cent increase in electricity and water announced few weeks ago and have called for a drastic reduction. Even though the march recorded, perhaps the lowest turnout in recent demonstrations, the organisers maintain the government must hear their call and reduce the tariff.