Fifty-Nine Liberian Refugees Take Oath

The 59 Liberian refugees who have opted to stay in Ghana on Friday took the oath of allegiance. The figure was part of the 3,500 refugees at Buduburam Camp that have decided to stay in Ghana after the invocation of the cessation clause to end all Liberian refugees� status in June, 2012. Ms Sharn J. Coopel, UNHCR Representative in Ghana, said this was because the security situation in Liberia had improved and the country had now returned to constitutional rule after 14 years of civil war. She said currently, there, were about 5,000 Liberian refugees still residing in Ghana. Ms Coopel said those refugees, after the closure of the camp, opted for local integration or applications for exemption. She said 16 refugees, being the last batch, were sent to Liberia by the UNHCR in October this year after completing their education. This brings to over 40,000 Liberian refugees who have voluntarily returned home. Ms Coopel said the Government of Ghana had agreed to give all Liberians wishing to integrate into Ghanaian communities the necessary resident permits. Mr Tetteh Padi, Programme Co-ordinator of Ghana Refugee Board, said the Danish Government had provided substantial funding to UNHCR for the implementation of the integration exercise. He said the funds would be disbursed by the Ghana Commercial Bank in the form of cash grants for each household to rent accommodation outside the refugee camp. Mrs Musu J. Ruhle, Charge d�Affairs, Liberian Embassy, said the security situation in Liberia had improved tremendously and urged the refugees to return home to help build the nation. She later administered the oath of allegiance to the refugees opting to stay in Ghana and urged them to be law abiding.