Sakara Sings Mandela�s Praises And Warns Of Aftermath Of His Demise

With the death of Former President Nelson Mandela it is an understatement to say that the �great elephant has fallen� or �the giant oak tree lies aground�. None of these usual euphemisms can adequately describe the significance of the passing of Africa�s last great leader in our lifetime. Nelson Mandela laid it all on the line in the pursuit of the common good. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, his life! Such sacrifice for the common good is the single distinguishing feature that separates the great from the mediocre. The circumstances under which such sacrifice is made may vary because of events in history, but for all time past, now and into the future the same sacrifice will be demanded of any great leader of human societies. Nelson Mandela signaled his capacity for such sacrifice when he declared, that the ideal of a democratic South Africa, where white and black lived in freedom side by side, is one for which he was prepared to die. In other words he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to achieve that common good which even his persecutors would enjoy. He never imagined �a them and us situation� when majority rule was obtained. He was not prepared to practice apartheid of the economic kind between his supporters and their opponents. Sadly we cannot say with any confidence that we are not practicing �economic apartheid� when opportunities are reserved only for party faithful of the ruling party. We certainly cannot plead innocence when civil servants are reassigned, retired early or even skipped for promotion because they are not with the ruling party. Being known to have a political opinion is dangerous because it means your vehicle and you can stay parked at the lorry park idle with no load for you, even when there is a shortage of vehicles. Is this system of political patronage what democracy in Africa will be reduced to as the last great patriarch takes his leave of us?. If so what good news will he have to tell when he meets all those who laid down their lives for the freedom we take for granted today? What kind of future will he say awaits the youth of Africa? Fortunately all is not lost because the latter two issues are still in our hands to decide. The inspiration of the great patriarchs and matriarchs of our time is sufficient to fuel our hopes and aspirations, if only we are prepared to emulate their humility, commitment and dutiful diligence to pursue the common good for our people. Our greatest tribute to their contribution and their lives will be to continue from where they left off and to focus on the matters and issues that affect ordinary people in their lives. We must remain a grateful people for the few stars that have lit our darkened skies in our life time. Mandela, Nkrumah, Nyerere, Lumumba and the likes of Steve Biko have demonstrated for all to see, the value of the human spirit�s courage, compassion, humility, tenacity and above all love of your own people and humankind. World leaders bow today because they instinctively recognize these as universal values that are most highly prized in human affairs across the ages. It is rare to experience individuals that have a full complement of such qualities. To experience more of such unique leaders in our generation we must demonstrate in our everyday lives that we do indeed cherish these values and will not accept mediocrity as the norm. If we don�t then we will get what we deserve. We await more Mandela�s to come and write their own names in the sands of time by their own deeds. Long live the flames of hope and inspiration. Long may its embers glow at the mention of the name Nelson Mandela. The echoes of his name have travelled the canyons of the world and back to await him in a silent grave. But the throb of our hearts will forever beat out a refrain in his memory�..Madiiiiiiibaah! Amandlaaah! Dr. Abu Sakara Election 2102 Presidential Candidate, CPP