Chairman General Kayi Answers Celebrity Roll Call On JoyFM

With easily the most famous voice on radio, punctuated with a loud, wheezy laughter, the three time Radio Personality Award winner is still a stranger to the celebrity lifestyle. Check out the next waakye joint near you; or maybe the kelewele or Bayire [the local names for fried plantain and yam] joints and if you spot a bald headed-somewhat- pregnant; old but young man chomping his delicacy with delight, it may well be the only Chairman General on radio, Kwami Sefa Kayi. The nimble-witted fellow, with a glowing candour and a fascinating sense of humour took his turn on Bola Ray�s Personality Profile on Joy FM and narrated how he rose from two trousers and three shirts to a wardrobe full of cloths he doesn�t need any more. He was neither born in a mansion nor had a Harvard College education. In fact he failed his Math and may probably still have Math arrears to better. All he had was a burning desire and an overwhelming determination to make it in life, no matter the long odds. He was turned away at the Ghana Institute of Journalism when he attempted to begin his journey into radio but his math debacle followed him there too and was rejected. He never gave up. He went round his obstacle, started from GBC through to P&P and Tarzan�s magazine and now he is the host one of the biggest, most listened to morning show programmes Kokrokoo on Peace FM. His versatility is all too visible. The �benevolent dictator� as some of his panellists would call him, was only recently a fine figure on the movie screens. And while he may have been bounced by his first girl friend and cried as a result, his masterful touch of romance has never failed him. It left a memorable print on the lip of fellow actress Lydia Forson whose testimony that Kwami was her best kisser on set found expression on DJ Black�s week-end warmer adverts all the time. Guess what? If Lydia Forson felt that way on set with dozens of camera men and crew watching, you can just imagine what Mrs Kayi, the original owner, the charming �domestic terrorist� to the chairman general will feel in the corridors of her bedroom with nobody watching, except the chairman himself, right there in charge. Sagyiwaaaa!!!!! Play the attached audio, celebrate and listen to the full story of how the Chairman General together with his childhood friend survived a near fatal drown in a ditch at the Garrison Primary School and what he does to his radio when the infamous Lydia Forson kissing testimony is played in the presence of his adorable kids.