Policeman In Custody For Defiling Girl, 11

A 29-year-old policeman stationed at Agona Nyakrom in the Central Region has been remanded in prison custody for allegedly defiling an 11-year-old primary schoolgirl. The accused, Escort Constable Dickson Nyame, is said to have forced the victim�s two other siblings aged seven and five to caress and suck his penis in a bush. After that, he allegedly grabbed the 11-year-old and defiled her, as her siblings looked on helplessly. He was charged with three counts of defilement and indecent assault but he pleaded not guilty to all the charges and was subsequently remanded to reappear on February 20, 2014. Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Ivy A. Agadia told the Swedru Circuit Court, presided over by Atta Sampong, that the victims were all pupils of a primary school at Agona Nyakrom and lived with their parents. She said about 3 p.m. on January 12, 2014, the victims were with their 15-year-old brother, a bar attendant, when the accused, who was a regular patron at the drinking bar, went there to buy GH�1 worth of the local gin, popularly known as ��akpeteshie��. She said that after the accused had finished drinking the gin, the bar attendant asked the victims to collect the money from him. The accused, however, demanded that the victims follow him to his house for the money, since he had no money on him, to which they obliged. Chief Inspector Agadia said that the accused, on his way home, took the victims through a bush, having in mind the intention to abuse them sexually. She added that the accused quickly sat on the ground in the bush, pulled out his manhood and asked the victims to caress it, after which he forcibly had sexual intercourse with the 11-year-old girl and drove them away. The victims, on reaching home, narrated their ordeal to their parents, who lodged a complaint, leading to the arrest of the accused.