Students Must Strive For Greater Heights - Rev Markwei

Rev. Dr Ebenezer Markwei, General Overseer of the Living Stream International Ministries, has urged students to take their studies seriously and build their qualifications. He said �as students the things you do today whilst in school is what will determine your future�. Rev. Dr Markwei was speaking at the Presbyterian Boys Secondary School (PRESEC) Family Day and Alumni Lecture at Legon. The Family Day and Alumni Lecture was instituted by the PRESEC Old Boys Association, to motivate students of the school to aspire to emulate some of the past students who have become icons and influential people both in academics and business across the country. This year�s lecture which is on the theme: �Motivating the new generation of Odadeԑ� is to encourage the final year student who are about to write their WASCE in April to aspire to be good ambassadors of the school. Rev. Dr Markwei, who is also the in-coming President of the PRESEC Old Boys Association, charged the final year students not allow anybody to discourage them from the careers they want to pursue at the tertiary institutions. He said they should be confident of what they have, and strive to achieve greater heights in life. He noted that PRESEC has offered them the best of opportunities in life, and as such they must reciprocate this gesture by taking their education serious. Rev. Dr Markwei further urged the final year students to join the old boys association, since it is an avenue which can open numerous opportunities for them. Mr Africanus Anane, Headmaster of the school, urged parents to take interest in the development of their children. He said it is unfortunate that when parents and guardians are invited to attend meetings to discuss the performance of their wards only few people attend. He said some of the students do not have clear purpose for coming to the school and as such it is important that parents and school authorities come together to advise such students on their future careers.