Tamale Men Flee As Soldiers Order Women To Dismantle Unauthorized Speed Ramps

Tamale 'men' were nowhere to be found as soldiers from the 6BN searched the metropolis for people who illegal constructed speed ramps on the roads. Lieutenant Colonel James Nana Hagan, led his unit to dismantle ramps which according to him were a threat to security in the area. Peacefm�s correspondent in Tamale, Kwabena Ntow reports that before the soldiers carried out the operation, they had made several announcement for the people to remove the obstacles they had illegally created, but was never done. According to him, when they soldiers arrived in areas where such obstacles were sited, all the men fled and left their wives and children behind. �When we got to places where the illegal ramps had been constructed, the men run and only ladies were left behind. The soldiers ordered the ladies to dismantle the unauthorized ramps and after they had done that, they were made to fetch water and clean the roads by scrubbing like one does in a bathhouse�, he said.