NCCE Promotes Good Citizenship

The Municipal Chief Executive Officer of La Nkwantanang-Madina, Mr Franklin P. Anku, has called on parents to partner teachers to provide holistic education for their children, so that they become good citizens. He said this at the annual National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) Week celebrations at Madina in Accra. He observed that although the NCCE had challenges, it was still contributing greatly to educating the public on good citizenship, which was a necessary requirement for the country�s development. He said continuous interaction between it and the public had empowered a number of Ghanaians to assume their roles and responsibilities, a situation that has helped reduce indiscipline and lawlessness, particularly among the youth. Mr Anku was hopeful that following efforts put in by the NCCE, parents and teachers would liaise with the assembly to come up with a plan to rope in other members of the public to join the fight to eradicate indiscipline from the society. According to him, the government will not relent on efforts to assist the NCCE and other interest groups, including security agencies, to ensure discipline in the society. He, therefore, urged fellow Ghanaians to endeavour to lead morally upright lives. The Director of Education in the La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality, Ms Elizabeth Oduro-Mensah, commended the NCCE for the efforts it was pursuing. He urged the commission to remain committed to its core mandate of educating the public on their obligations as citizens, in spite of difficulties it might be facing. She said the education sector would continue to support the NCCE in its work. The Madina District Police Commander, Mr Joseph Owusu-Bempah, called on the youth to remain committed to their studies and desist from falling under negative peer pressure from friends. �This will help keep you away from trouble, particularly at this time when the youth are seen to be engaging in acts of indiscipline,� he said.