Ayittey Powers: No Consultation, No Fight

Boxer Ayittey Powers has mentioned that hence forth, he will never take any action regarding his career without the approval of his spiritual father TB Joshua. Powers, who was defeated in the �Judgment Day� bout with Bukom Banku said he received a clear message that he should not participate in the fight but due to pressure from both Ghanaians and the promoters he had to honor it. �Even before accepting to fight Banku, I should have consulted him and sought his approval, but when I did, it was too late to back off it�, Powers mentioned. �Right now I am waiting for his signal to make my future plans and I believe everything will go on smoothly.� �I lost that fight because I was stubborn, but not that Banku can beat me. I will fight him again, so he shouldn�t think he has won the bragging rights over me. This time he has, but I will return.� Powers added that he will be traveling to his base in Australia to continue with his career but wanted to leave on a good note, hence his decision to fight one more bout in Ghana before he leaves. �I will be going back to Australia very soon, but I need another fight here in Ghana before I leave�.