VIDEO: Yvonne Nelson is Still Defending Her Bleached Skin: Are We Not Over This?

We have had enough of Yvonne Nelson�s bleaching and her counter claims of not bleaching talks�.And yet, she continues to discuss this. Some of us have made our minds up that home-girl has changed her complexion and no level of discrediting can change this. Someone who recently worked with Yvonne Nelson on set had to this to say �Chris, I know and saw that Yvonne Nelson has tampered with her complexion but can you guys give her other side a little attention instead of her complexion�. All the same, Joselyn Dumas sat down with Yvonne Nelson recently for her TV show �@ home with Joselyn Dumas� and as usual, the bleaching talk came flying through. Yvonne is still hiding behind that defensive wall�when most of us have given up on her complexion. At the end of the day, it is her goddam business�just that we won�t be easily deceived. I watched the video and the only question I asked myself is; so Yvonne Nelson is happy with how she looks huh? Check out what Yvonne Nelson had to say�