Goalkeeper Drinks Urine

A Swiss goalkeeper is considering legal action against supporters who urinated in his water bottle during a recent match in the Swiss first division. The incident took place during FC Muri�s game at Baden at the weekend and the 34-year-old Reto Felder says he is �still feeling sick�. �I have never experienced anything like it, said Felder of the fans, who also shouted �now you will get Aids�. �That is just primitive filth,� he said. �I took one sip and realised that it was warm but thought that it was because of the sun. But by the second sip I realised that something was wrong.� The president of Muri�s opponents, Baden, Thomi Br�m, said he was horrified by the allegations but wanted to watch CCTV footage of the incident before commenting. A spokesperson for the Swiss FA said: �We take this incident very seriously. We are at the moment waiting to see what decision FC Baden arrives at. We can�t do too much at the moment. The club or the player can, however, go to a civil court.� Felder still cannot believe what happened to him: �The mere thought of drinking piss is unbearable. What if, the next time, it is something that knocks you out?�