New Edition of Event Guide Magazine To Be Unveiled On October 3 At Labadi Beach Hotel

Not only producing what is latest in the world of entertainment but proving and maintaining a consistent brand and delivery of news; Ghana�s finest newspaper, Event Guide magazine has taking a huge step this time around by launching the 11th issue which calls for a special edition. In conjunction with Ghana�s energetic aired radio station Starr Fm, this time around Event Guide magazine has decided not to unveil who is going be on it cover. In other to get your puzzle solved, Event Guide magazine situate the launch of the 11th issue on the 3rd October, 2014 at the labadi beach hotel. Always on point with entertainment news, bringing you the best of events and hangouts. Event Guide has it content as upcoming event, event across the country and globe ,latest tunes in Africa etc which comes in a colorful format that report text and pictures of event that took place in the month. This 11th issue calls for a special edition, who is it going to be this time?