Konadu Rawlings Reveals Formula For Her Slender Physique

Former first Lady Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings has revealed the secret to her slender physique. ��I think I�m a sports person generally, I don�t have one sport because I swim, I do a lot of gymnastics�I exercise every morning, I try to � if for nothing � at least skip 100 times in the morning or a little more if I can, and then do some stretches and other things for at least 20 minutes�, the mother of four told Kafui Dey in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the launch of retired boxer Azumah Nelson�s autobiography Wednesday night. Mrs Rawlings, whose trimness is admired by a lot of women, said exercising, to her, is �a very important thing because I�m very asthmatic and I have to be above the asthma; to be above asthma then you must be strong, you must be healthy; to be healthy, the lungs must take in air and to take in air you must exercise�. She revealed that she has always been athletic since she was a young girl.