Wake Up DVLA

Generally in Ghana one of the commonest reasons why an organization is under performing is lack of funds but can this be said about our own DVLA? DVLA is a place where you see Ghanaians willing to pay in order to be offered services. It is one of the institutions where services to clients are not offered on credit. It is a place where clients want it in a cash and carry form. Imagine the number of cars in Ghana? Every year a great chunk of them have to renew their road-worthy and every two years drivers have to renew the drivers� license. Should I mention other services they offer? Like the sale of L, DV and DP plates. This is just to mention but a few. In all these instances the charges are not peanuts and this is evident in the physical stature of the people working there. When one steps into a DVLA office, one has no option but to pay what he/she is told to pay including those without receipts especially at the biometric data collection section. Hey, I don�t mean the goro boys even though.� Yet in all these instances, DVLA is down, it is failing and frustrating Ghanaians at an unbelievable degree. How does it take for a learner to have the exam done. In fact does the result even matter without a brown envelope, without by-force thank you, without by-force encourage me? DVLA has set a record, how can a renewal of license take over a year? I went to renew my license and since May this year until date I have not gotten the permanent license, why DVLA? I thought I was alone, only to find out that almost all my colleagues whose licenses expired this year are in the same soup. One even did his last February and still no show. How long should we be frequenting your offices to get the validity of the temporal license extended. Extension from three months to six months why not makes it five years instead, so that we know that our temporal license is our permanent license. Politicians will use depreciation as an excuse but what about you? Can DVLA say they lack funds or it is an issue of chop chop and inefficiency? DVLA wake up!