Ejisu Juaben Municipal Assembly Stars 1.8km Road

The Ejisu Juaben Municipal Assembly has started tarring and upgrading the 1.8km Kokobra Okyerekrom road in the municipality. The re construction of the road which cost GH�590,000 is being funded by the government to improve upon roads network in the community as well as part of the government's promise to improve the road network to facilitate movement of goods and people for social and economy development. Inspecting the project, Municipal Chief Executive for Ejisu/Juabeng Assembly, Mr Kwaku AfrifaYamoah Ponko, said the execution of the project showed government�s commitment to make life better for the people and also boost movement and services of the people in the rural areas, through social infrastructure development. He said, Kokobra and its communities deserve proper roads network and other social amenities to enhance commercial activities, and quality living condition of the people in the community. He said the tarring of the roads in the communities, apart from boosting movement and services, it will also reduce frequent outbreaks of headache and other diseases confronting the people in the area, due to high level of dust on the roads. He said NDC government, is a hearing and concerned government, who care for people�s interest and their welfare, and not government who deceive people with empty promises. Mr Ponko, stated that, the Assembly with other development partners, has completed feasibility studies for finding a lasting solution to the water problems facing the people in the area through construction water dam in the community to boost water supply in the community. The residents in the community who welcomed the news with joy, expressed their appreciation to the government and the Ejisu/Juaben Municipal Assembly for its developmental agenda for the people in the area. They said the communities in the area has suffered underdeveloped for a number of years, and therefore the tarring of the roads in the areas was a big relieve and sign of development in the area to boost social economic in the community.