Ministry Celebrates World Water Day

Government would ensure that its citizens had the water they needed to live healthy, happy and productive lives, astatement signed by Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, said.

Hon. Sampson Ahi to mark this year’s world water day says , W

orld water day celebration, a UN priority will this year fall on Sunday 22nd march, dubbed water for life 2005-2015.
The theme for this year’s celebration offers an opportunity to address the inequities especially for the millions who leave in the urban slums and communities and survive without access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, sufficient food and energy services.
The statement also says that government has invested over one billion dollars in water and sanitation services to decrease the time spent on collecting water, tackling the cities infrastructural systems and promote efficient water treatment technologies.
It says water and sanitation development is also an issue at the sub- regional and regional levels that calls for pragmatic solutions anchored on negotiations and dialogue.
Activities have been planned to draw public attention to the interdependence between water and health, nature, urbanization, energy, food and their crucial impact on poverty alleviation.
In honour of the celebration prices will be awarded to basic schools that took part in a tree planting competition initiation. There will also be a launch to mark national junior water prize to unearth innovative water solutions from senior high school students.
A symposium focused on the youth will be held on Monday march 23rd at the Trade Fair site to climax the celebration.