Disability Needs Should Be Recognized-Think Tank

Mr Francis Asong, Executive Director of Voice-Ghana, a disability rights think-tank, says has delayed in ensuring that disability issues are made integral in national affairs planning.

He said efforts made over the years have been minimal as protocols and laws regarding the rights and interests of People With Disabilities (PWDs) are barely followed through.

Mr Asong was speaking to the Ghana News Agency during a workshop organised by Local Government Network (LOGNET) with support from the UNDP, to train PWDs.

LOGNET is a network of civil society organisations working on local governance issues.

Mr Asong, who presented a paper on Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, said there has been a low focus on the interests of PWDs at all level of planning.

Mr Saaka Sayuti, LOGNET National Coordinator, said the project was for two years covering 18 districts selected from six regions.

He said the aim of the project is to empower PWDs to ensure that they could become advocates on the Disability Law; enhance their capacity in planning, budgeting and ensuring the implementation of the UNCRPD.

Mr Sayuti said there would also be a comprehensive research on the state of implementation of Article 28 of the UNCRPD.

Mr Francis Asokwa Sarpong, Principal Planning Officer, Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council took the participants through training on district planning and budgeting.

He said it is important that planners bring to the people projects intended for them and relevant to their needs.