VIDEO: Bus Driver Survives Fire At Goil Filling Station But Goes Blind Afterward

A 34-year-old bus driver, Mensah, is a lone survivor from the gas explosion that occurred on Wednesday evening at the Goil Filling Station located near the GCB bank towers at Circle in Accra.

Sadly, he lost a host of his friends and passengers in the fire explosion.

The driver, who only gave his name as Mensah a.k.a Mr. Lee, in an interview with Odi Ahenkan on Peace FM gave a shocking revelation of how a fuel tanker at the Goil Filling station exploded claiming hundreds of lives.

According to him, he was among the victims of the flood but survived the explosion by a slim chance.

He recounted his ordeal, saying "yesterday evening, it began to rain. We took shelter at the Goil filing station around Ghana Commercial Bank (PTC). We stayed there over 2 hours and the place was heavily flooded. So, we were struggling to come out at a point but failed. We saw people and cars streaming down through the flood. So, at that time, we couldn't come out.

"Due to this, the ground was waterlogged with diesel and petrol, and it was heating our bodies but we couldn't find a way out...suddenly, there was an explosion and the gasoline tanker hurled me into the flood. So, all I saw as I lifted myself up was a flash of fire which flew across my body which was already drenched in diesel...Everybody got burned. I'm the only survivor."

Though he survived, he however has lost his sight and came to the studios of Peace FM blind resulting from the heavy impact of the explosion yesterday.

Watch video below: