Ritual Murder Is Barbaric - Fetish Priest

The Akyem Abuakwa Sumankwaahene (head of fetish priests and priestesses), Togbue Shittor, who has his Spiritual and Herbal Centre at Akyem Kukurantumi in the Eastern Region, has described those who demand or perform human sacrifice at shrines as murderers who should be punished by the law when caught.

He said no genuine spiritualist would need human blood from his or her client before he or she could assist the client.

Togbue Shittor stated this when he interacted with the public including journalists at his shrine to educate them about the practice of traditional religion.

He used the occasion to perform a number of wonders like boiling water in a calabash with cold water without fire, removing what he terms protection rings numbering over thirty from one of the boiled eggs, turning leaves into several notes of Ghana Cedis and foreign currencies as well as several other wonders to the amazement of the gathering.

He also opened up his shrine for public viewing of his gods and told them what each of them could do to assist the people.

He said gone were the days when fetish priests and priestesses were seemed to be dangerous and wicked whose pre-occupation was to kill people who offended them or kill people who were sent there by their enemies.

“The essence of our practice is to assist people, especially, those who are in need, sick, those in abject poverty and things of such nature,” he stated.

The priest urged the public to carefully investigate the background of the spiritualist they would want to go for assistance, be it fetish priests, Malams or even pastors in order not to fall prey to their tricks and fraudulent acts.

He advised his fellow spiritualists to be truthful to their clients by telling them what they (spiritualists) can do or cannot do. “We should not pretend to have solutions to every problem and stick to what we can do,” he stressed.

A number of people who claimed to have received assistance from the priest which included a pastor, a police inspector, two military personnel, businessmen and women and others gave testimonies of how the priest helped them out of their various problems.