UN Is Selective In Terrorism Fight � Erdogan

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the United Nations (UN) has failed in its quest to make the world safer devoid of terrorism.

According to him, although terrorism has become the major plague in the world today, the UN has failed to serve the greater needs of the nations in the global scale and is instead “serving the needs of a few elite countries.”

He argued that the fate of the over 200 countries in the world now, is being determined by only five countries which are on the UN’s Security Council.

“The entire world depends on the words that come out of the five permanent seat holders of the Security Council. If one permanent seat holder within the Security Council says no to something, it’s an indefinite no. But if it’s a yes, then it’s an indefinite yes.

“But never forget that the world is greater than the five permanent seat holders of the Security Council, so the rest of the world cannot rely on the decisions made by the five members of the Security Council of the United Nations. That is why we have to step forward in order for a reform to take place within the United Nations Security Council,” he charged.

President Erdogan made the comments through an interpreter when he was addressing Ghanaian Parliamentarians in Accra on Tuesday, as part of his two-day official visit to Ghana.

Turkey condemns terror attacks

The Turkish President also bemoaned and condemned the terrorist attacks on countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, and Syria among others.

"…The Security Council of the United Nations is not active in Syria, Northern Africa and Northern Iraq; and the Security Council is failing to interfere with events taking place around the world in countries of turmoil."

Let’s unite against terrorism

President Erdogan noted that the fight against terrorism should not be left in the hands of a few since it requires concerted efforts.

“Primarily, in our fight against terrorism, we have to take our mutual stance forward especially with the countries in Western Africa. We can contribute tremendously to the establishment of global peace and stability. Turkey has a vast array of experience in combating terrorism that’s why we understand the countries suffering from terrorism best.”

“In the entirety of counter terrorism platforms, Turkey is an influential and active figure. I would like to vocalise this fact to the Ghanaian Parliament and to the rest of the world, in order to combat terrorism, we have to base our efforts on principles agreed unanimously by the nations of the world,” he added.

We will help Ghana carry its burden

In assuring the people of Ghana of Turkey’s support, the President said his country is willing to help Ghana overcome its economic and developmental woes.
I would like to remind you that when two people handle a burden, the burden becomes lighter, we are willing to carry this burden along with Ghana and make this burden lighter for you.

HE Erdogan said he had come to Ghana with about 150 businessmen, to help ensure that Ghana’s business sector flourishes to an appreciable level.