Atom Set To Go On Yewo Krom Europe Tour

Atom the Y3wo Krom hitz maker is set to commence his first time 2016 Europe tour. The tour is scheduled to begin from 18th June and Atom would be gracing nine European countries comprising Italy,France,Belgium,Germany,Sweden,Holland,Spain,Austria and UK.

Speaking to Atom,he said: "I've never had the opportunity to take the full Y3wo Krom energy over there to show them the horror and the freshness look of Atom.

The nation will agree with me yewo krom is the biggest song in town now.

So I am taking the chance to  present myself  to all the people over there in Europe who have been representing and showing me love throughout the successful banging of the yewo krom fever.The Europe tour will also have some great Ghanaian artiste to surpport the movement."

Confirming the news, the tour cordinator Sleeky of Ghanatunez revealed that the trip will last a period of two month between June and August which several promoters of different cities have booked in advance.