REVEALED...Details Of Who, How & Where Error-laden Brochure Was Printed!

Circumstances leading to the publication of the error-laden independence anniversary brochure have been uncovered by Class News.

Many Ghanaians have called on the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government to investigate the matter and punish people responsible for the scandal.

Sources at the Flagstaff House have revealed that the brochure was printed by Unique Impressions in Accra New Town and not by Stan Dogbe’s EventPR Company.

According to the sources, Unique Impressions was sole-sourced and contracted by Mr Dogbe, a presidential staffer, to print 3,000 copies at GH¢13 per copy, totaling GH¢39,000. But this, according to Class News sources, is not at par with the amount quoted as cost to the state.

The printing company, Class News learnt, had usually undertaken printing contracts for the office of the president in similar cash-based modes of payment. One of the recent works done for the presidency by the firm was in connection with the first ladies’ conference held in Accra a few weeks ago.

Class News’ investigations have revealed that the content of the independence anniversary parade brochure was handled by a sub-committee of three: Stan Dogbe, sacked Information Service Department (ISD) Acting Director Francis Kwarteng Arthur and one official from the Communications Ministry.

Mr Arthur, the sources revealed, appointed a colleague to put the content together and the final work was passed on to Mr Dogbe, who was supposed to have proofread the document before handing it over to the Flagstaff House designer, whose name was only given as Francis.

Three days to the parade, the final document was sent to Unique Impressions for printing. The brochure was delivered early Sunday (6 March) morning.

The sources said Mr Arthur exercised poor judgment by distributing the error-ridden brochure, even after he had detected the mistakes.

According to reports members of the organising committee, chaired by Commodore Steve Obimpeh, were upset with Mr Dogbe that they were not given any credit or mention in the brochure, and angrily directed journalists to him for answers.

Following the ensuing ridicule on social media, Mr Dogbe forced Mr Arthur to issue a statement in the name of the ISD, to accept responsibility as a cover-up, even though according to sources, Mr Arthur preferred to have issued a statement in the name of the three-member committee.

Mr Dogbe, the sources said, drafted the letter of apology and sent it to Mr Arthur to be issued. The apology statement from Mr Arthur did not go down well with workers of the ISD, who agitated against him.

According to Class News, sources who spoke to it said Mr Arthur had not been dismissed but rather reassigned and was expected to resume his new role after the issue dies down.

Mr Dogbe, who is on official duties at Aberdeen in Scotland, has been assigned to the Protocol Department at the Flagstaff House, and the Communications Bureau, which he was heading, placed under the Communications Ministry.

He has said his EventPR Company did not print the brochure. His wife serves on the board of the company as a director. His sister also serves on it and works as a staff of EventPR.

Class News also gathered that Mr Arthur, while working with the ISD as Acting Director, also served on the board of EventPR.

EventPR, owned by Mr Dogbe, is the publisher of the Daily Express newspaper, which is distributed free of charge.

Several WhatsApp messages sent to Mr Dogbe for comments on Class News’ findings went unanswered.