CID Probes Navy Brutalities In Dzemeni

Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service has begun investigations into the constant brutalities meted to residents and boat operators of Torgor-Dzemeni  in the Volta Region by personnel of the Eastern Regional Command of Ghana Navy, Today has gathered.

The move follows the Monday edition of Today, May 23, 2016 which banner headline story; “Navy Officers Strike!-Torture fisherman and 9 residents in Dzemeni.”

In the said story, the chiefs and opinion leaders of Tongor-Dzemeni, a fishing community in the South Dayi District of the Volta Region, accused navy officers deployed to the area of subjecting innocent residents and boat operators to severe brutalities in the last six years, leading to the deaths of some residents and boat operators.

That situation, the story continued, necessitated the chiefs and opinion leaders’ call for immediate withdrawal of the officers and asked for a full-scale investigation into the activities of the patrol team in the community.
A petition dated Thursday, May 19, 2016 which was sent to President John Dramani Mahama and copied to the Interior Ministry, Ghana Navy, Volta Regional Security Council and South Dayi District Police Commander warned that the residents were ready to sacrifice their last drop of blood to save their people.

Meanwhile, a security meeting made up of the Police, Navy, Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) and some opinion leaders after the publication has been held.

The security capos at the meeting called for peace in the area, and assured residents that their concerns would be forwarded to the appropriate quarters for redress.

However, Kpeve District Commander in charge of Torgor-Dzemeni Community, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Mr. Thomas Agbanyo, confirmed to Today on Monday May 23, 2016 that the chiefs and opinion leaders of Torgor-Dzemeni have petitioned his outfit to investigate the Navy brutalities on the residents and boat operators.