Poverty Rate Falls

The Ghana Living Standard Survey (GLSS) has pointed out that Ghana is experiencing rising inequality, growing regional disparity and deep poverty with the Cedi�s value depreciating by 23% and 19% against the dollar and the euro. It was noted than in 2008 alone, there was a significant fall from 51.7% in the 1990s to 28.5% in 2005 and 2006 of the population living below the poverty line.However, there has been a reduction of inflows of donor funds to both government and CSOs worsening the plight of the rural poor and urban women and children, as well as the vulnerable in society. This information was made at the launch of the 2009 edition of Social Watch report in Accra. It was held under the titled �Making Finances Work: People First� and it is a collection of reports from over sixty member countries around the world, on the general impacts of the economic and ecological crisis on these countries. The report also contains issues about food insecurity from the World Food Programme Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis of Ghana. In this document, The World Food Programme identified food insecurity among some 1.2million and another 2 million people who had inadequate consumption patterns in Ghana�s entire population. The study revealed a worrying trend of 34%, 15% and 10% of the people of Upper West, Upper East, and Northern Regions with inadequate consumption patterns respectively.