GIPC Wins Gold Award

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has received the Business Initiative Direction, World Quality Commitment Award (International Gold Star category) at the World Quality Commitment Convention in Paris. The award which was received by GIPC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. George Aboagye, on behalf of the centre, is in recognition of its quality and excellence in customer satisfaction, leadership and innovation. The GIPC was designated to receive this award on the basis of World Quality Commitment Regulations and criteria of the QC100 Total Quality Management Model. The companies selected, some listed in the global Fortune 500, have all demonstrated excellence in leadership within each designated sector, increased market shares, improved results, as well as sustainability. The selection of the award was on the basis of information obtained through correspondence and online poll surveying of over 9000 companies, conducted by Business Imitative Direction (BID), a leading independent organisation in the area of leadership and customer satisfaction based in Madrid, Spain. Incidentally, this is the second time a public institution from Ghana has won such an award. The Ghana Free Zones Board in March 2001, under the leadership of Mr. George Aboagye won a similar award in recognition of quality and excellence in Private Sector Development in Africa. The 2009 award ceremony which was presided over by Jose F. Prieto, President and CEO of BID, was in recognition of the corporate entities as symbols of commitment to spreading quality culture in leadership, technology and innovation which make them models for other companies of their sectors in the five countries they represented. The GIPC was the only institution from Ghana, among agencies and large, medium, and small private sector companies from 53 countries in Europe, Northland South America, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Oceania which were presented with platinum, gold and silver awards at the World Quality Commitment Convention. Receiving the award, Mr. Aboagye, pledged to continue to uphold the overall quality guidelines of the convention as an example for the development of a business community in Ghana, committed to quality.