Boost For Nana�s Factory Project

The Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom Yagbonwura Tuntumba Boru-Essa II has lauded the one-district one-factory policy of the Nana Addo-led government, indicating that he will provide lands for the establishment of the factories.

He expressed concern about the high unemployment rate among the youth in Gonjaland and added that the establishment of the factories in his area would create jobs for hard working youth.

The Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom made the disclosure when President Nana Addo paid a courtesy call on him in Damongo recently.

He stated that Damongo has retrogressed sharply in the last few years even though their son ex-President John Mahama was at helm for some time.

He advised government to dialogue with chiefs and opinion leaders in the districts where the factories would be sited to ensure that they serve the needs of the people living in the area.

Kapori Abudu, who spoke on behalf of the Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, stated that President Nana Addo made a promise to the overlord of the Gonjaland during the campaign to address the water crisis in Gonjaland.

The Mahama administration failed to fulfill its promise of addressing the water crisis in Damongo, Salaga and other Gonja areas.

Guinea worm infestation is very high in Buipe, Damongo, Daboya and Busunu, all in Gonjaland.

He told DAILY GUIDE that Yagbonwura Tuntumba Boru-Essa II is impressed with the recent appointments made by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

“Yagbonwura is happy with the appointments that His Excellency Nana Addo has made so far.’

According to him, the Gonjas namely Samuel Abu Jinapor and Otiko Afisa Djaba, are competent and knowledgeable, to support the Akufo-Addo administration to achieve its goals.