Sacked Recruits Who Have Undergone Security Training Are A Threat... - Security Expert

A Security Expert, Ibad Ibrahim has cautioned state security operators to draw a proper structure in recruiting young people into security services as it is dangerous for those who have been engaged in security training to end up on the streets for failing to meet certain academic qualification requirements.

According to him, being a member of the Police Service has nothing to do with academic credentials, but rather, more to do with the integrity and loyalty of the recruits to the state security.

Speaking on Okay FM’s Ade Akye Abia Morning Show, Ibad Ibrahim asserted that some of the finest security operatives in many countries often-times are not based on academic qualification; urging the government to thread on the path of caution in dismissing young people who have attained any form of security training.

His comment is based on the news that the Ghana Police Service has sent some 206 new recruits parking home following the realization that they applied to join the service with forged documents.

Whenever we raise concerns such as this, people say that those young people have not been trained for long but a person who has gone through some weeks or months of security training is enough to foment trouble with the training they have received and can affect security operations of the country”, he indicated.

He mentioned that those months of security training are enough assets to such people in the area of galamsey operations and acting as land-guards.

I don’t think such action augurs well for the security of the country and so I will plead that we exercise caution...because in the past, the best security personnel in the era of Kwame Nkrumah are those who have passion for the job”, he cautioned.

While stressing the importance of improving on the standard of recruiting young people into the Police Service, Ibad Ibrahim insisted that the dismissal of people with some form of security training on the grounds of academic qualification is a threat to national security.