Don't Fall Prey To Irresponsible Men - Queenmother Cautions Young Girls

The Divisional Queen of Ngleshie Amanfrom in the Greater Accra Region, Naa Tambia IV, has cautioned young girls to be careful in order not tof lal prey to irresponsible men whoa re only interested in having sexual affairs with them but are not ready to perform marriage rites to respectably woo them.

Speaking in an interview with the Media in Amanfrom in Accra, Nana Tambia noted that women and girls do not have o belittle themselves because females occupy a special position as the last creation of God just as last born children whoa re highly favored by parents.

She noted that God has blessed women in general so that honor should not be undermined to destroy the good purpose of God adding that, it is good for women to show respect to men since they are created as the head of women and children.

She averred that whether men take good care of women or not they should show respect to them and that gesture could even change recalcitrant men to be responsible.

The Queen advised young Girls to wait for their partners to perform their marriage rites and pay their pride prices before going ahead to live with them else they would be taken for granted and treated as half wife after giving birth once or twice.

The Queen stressed that if women exercise patience and get properly married before they go ahead to live with their men, definitely they will gain respect in marriage.