Catholic Church To Establish Retirement Fund For Priests

The Roman Catholic Church is to establish a retirement benefit fund to cater for its Reverend Fathers after retirement from the priesthood.

The fund, according to the church would encourage many youth of the church to go into priesthood as a vocation.
Reverend Father William Aguzey, a Catholic Priest at the Techiman Diocese made this known during a Sunday sermon at Nkoranza.

He explained that aside the spiritual development of members, there was the need for the church to also ensure that the material needs of especially those who accepted God’s call into the priesthood were catered for.

“I believe with such a fund in place serving Ministers of God would not regret for offering themselves as servants and shepherds”, Rev Fr Aguzey stated.

He entreated Ghanaians to promote peace and unity by forgiving each other of wrong doings so that development could thrive.

“Forgiveness is an excellent spirit that promotes peace”, he said and called on Christians to be guided by true biblical doctrines.