Woman Seeks Support To Fly Her Dogs To UK From Ghana

A Woman from the United Kingdom, Yvonne Bannister is seeking support to enable her fly her two dogs to the UK from Ghana.

According to Yvonne the dogs gave her “a little bit of home” when she was in Ghana adding that the dogs are currently in sorrowful states in the West African country.

Yvonne who posted her request on a crowd funding website crowdfunder.co.uk said any excess amount she realizes from the donations would be donated to the Battersea dog’s home in the UK.

Below is what Yvonne Bannister posted on crowdfunder:  

Rescue my dogs from Ghana.

Hi to everyone out there, I’m a U.K. lady looking for some support to return my beautiful dogs back to the U.K. Pets are our life and these two beautiful boys gave me a little bit of home when I was overseas in Ghana. My project aim is simply to return my dogs to the U.K. All excess funds will be donated to Battersea dogs home.

To do this they have to have the usual Deffra required injections and then they fly back home with me on British Airways. The money raised will help to go towards return flights and transportation, flights and the U.K.  VAT. I’m asking for your help and assistance, to make my life whole again.

I`m in the U.K. and they are there; in unfortunate circumstances we have been separated for 8 months.