Editorial: All Eyes, Ears on COP 15: Test For Homo Sapiens�

This week, the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, would be the focus of the world�s attention � we hope so. The UN sponsored Summit on Climate Change would convene there and the outcome could spell regeneration for Planet Earth, or doom; this is no exaggeration. The gathering would be more significant than any other global gathering; certainly surpassing the World Cup, the Olympics, the Oscars, the Nobel Prize Awards or for that matter the annual UN General Assembly itself. The issue at stake is simple: saving our planet from ourselves. There are three sides to the issue: 1. The Science of Climate Change 2. The Politics of Climate Change and 3. The Economics of Climate Change The first is not in contention. The science is very clear. The �inconvenient truth� former US Vice President Al Gore, once spoke about, is a frightening reality. Human activity is changing the world�s climate and we are all at risk. It is a human problem that calls for joint human effort everywhere and anywhere on the planet. The politics and economics of it may be contentious, but that is why delegates gathering in Copenhagen must approach their mandates with open minds. There is no need for clenched fists or podium pounding. What we need is a sober and dispassionate disentangling of the contentious points so as to arrive at conclusions that would save the world. We can do it! The same human intellect that allowed us to detect the climate change dangers in the first place can be relied upon to provide the solutions. Let Copenhagen prove that we are really descendants from that wise man: Homo Sapiens�