Former aide to contest NPP General Secretary post

Mr Yaw Buaben Asamoa, aspiring General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has urged the party to demonstrate to the electorate "a credible strength" built around core values rather than personalities to win Election 2012. He noted: "We need a strong credible party, united in substance and with ability to manage internal diversity positively by bringing people together to build consensus and compromise for win/win solutions to break the eight-year electoral cycle and remove an incumbent at the end of its first four-year mandate." Mr Asamoa was speaking at a media briefing in Accra on Wednesday, to declare his candidacy for the General Secretary position. He emphasised the need for NPP to focus on its electoral assets - the winning mentality of the flag bearer, the winning records of former President John Agyekum Kufuor and the winning logistical preparedness of the party to dislodge the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 2012. Mr Asamoa, who was aide to former Vice President Aliu Mahama, stressed the need to grow a party that listens, empowers its foot soldiers and adopt an all inclusive mentality, adding that though the party had a solid policy record while in office, there was the need to strengthen the structures. "The party ought to be kept in supreme good health in or out of power because an attractive party succeeds at elections," he said. Mr Asamoa however, cautioned NPP national executives to manage the internal electoral process fairly and remove the threat of discontent which is gradually creeping into the internal politics of the party. "This is possible where the rules are applied in a transparent and fair is my heartfelt convictions that where the rules are known and clear to all, losers will gracefully accept outcomes and winners will be strengthened by having everybody behind them as they go into battle," Nr Asamoa said. Mr Asamoa said he was running for the General Secretary slot to serve in the winning team to wrest political power from the ruling NDC in Election 2012. "I undertake to lead NPP to break new grounds. I stand for a strong party capable of nurturing a government focused on a functional society. A functional society is for growth based on national cohesion, expansionary wealth creation and protection of the national interest," he said. On the role of the NPP General Secretary, Mr Asamoa said the office must primarily be the co-ordinating and clearing house for the maximum use of resources, knowledge, expertise, interests and powers within and outside the party to satisfy the people of Ghana. "I expect a General Secretary to keep the party in supreme good health. In or out of power, the General Secretary must support a winning team to mobilise and use all resources to grow the party all the time. Party members and contributors deserve positive returns for their sacrifices. "I support a businesslike party, a think-tank for strategic policy analysis, administrative modernisation and constitutional expansion of the party with renewed emphasis on information management, electoral preparedness, welfare, database and aggressive mobilisation of grassroots dues." Mr Asamoa said his vision includes ideological review of the party for mass ownership, building of party structures in favour of bottom up integration, listening and inclusiveness, setting up of special contributory funds for welfare and elections, recognition and respect for old and new party hands and information m