Hawkers Returning To Circle Few Days After AMA Clamp-Down

Less than a week after the Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly led a team to clear hawkers off pavements in the metropolis, among other things, some of the hawkers returned to occupy the pavements again on Sunday.

The pavements had been cleared from last Monday during the decongestion exercise, but shoes, dresses, phone accessories and other wares were again on sale by vendors.

The sight at the Nkrumah Circle would have done little to assuage the concerns of skeptics who may have grown numb to these decongestion exercises which now seem to be annual occurrences.

Last week, Citi News was with the AMA when the MCE and his team visited the Central Business District, Kwame Nkrumah interchange, Tip-toe lane, Kokomlemle among other areas to destroy illegal structures and eject hawkers.

When Citi News got in touch with the AMA, indications were that it was not aware the hawkers had returned but attempts were being made to get to the bottom of the developments.

But on Sunday evening, the hawkers were still actively engaging potential customers.

The decongestion exercise was to ensure sanity within the metropolis as the activities of the hawkers and the traders on the shoulders of the road and pavements, impede human and vehicular movement, as well as adding to the build-up of waste along streets.

The AMA MCE, Mohammed Adjei Sowah, told Citi News during the exercise that his outfit will not relent in its efforts to ensure that the exercise succeeds.