Footballer Remanded On Robbery Charge

A Footballer, Abdul Razak Ibrahim, was on Monday remanded by an Accra Circuit Court for conspiring with one Asmah now at large to rob one Ezinogo Eugene Selasi of his bag.

The bag contains a bible, books, pair of shoes, dresses and other valuables.

Abdul Razak pleaded not guilty to the charges and was remanded by the court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh to reappear on February 1.

The facts of the case as presented by Superintendent of Police Patience Mario were that the complainant is a customer service personnel with Kingdom Books and Stationary, while the accused is a footballer, living at Mamobi.

She said on January 18, at about 12 midnight the complainant had closed from church and was walking home with his bag containing the above listed items.

She said on reaching Kanda, the accused with his accomplice who were on a motorbike and coming from the opposite direction stopped by his side and Abdul Razak who was sitting behind the rider got down from the bike, gave the complainant a heavy blow on the neck and ordered him to bring his bag.

The prosecution said the complainant started struggling with Abdul Razak and started shouting for help, the accused then drew out sharp a cutlass from his dress and threatened to harm him unless he releases the bag.

Superintendent Mario said the complainant surrendered the bag to him but this attracted the security officers who were on duty at TV3.

She said the security officers gave the accused a hot chase.

The prosecution said Abdul Razak fell down when his accomplice sped off with the motorbike and he was arrested by the security officers together with the bag and the cutlass.

However, Asmah escaped while Abdul Razak was handed over to the police.

He could not lead the police to arrest his accomplice.