Scammers Get Busy …Heads Of utilities Companies Targeted

Scammers are on the tail of top management members of some state agencies, The Inquisitor has gathered.

Those who have been targeted for possible blackmail are managing directors of some utility companies in the country.

What the scammers do is to send messages on phone to the targeted persons with claims that they have documents pointing to wrongdoings on the part of their targets.

To make the whole thing look serious, names of vociferous members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) are mentioned as having an interest in the whole issue.

One person whose name is always mentioned by the scammers as being interested in their imaginary exposure is the Brong Ahafo Regional youth organizer of the NPP, Kwame Baffoe, popularly called ‘Abrongye DC” and a popular radio presenter.

What the scammers do is to send text messages as having a dossier on their targets and request to meet them (the targets) to discuss issues.

They would then go ahead to tell the targets that Abronye DC and the said radio presenter are waiting for documents to hit town with them.
The scammers would tell the targets that the dossier on them were so damaging that it would not be good for their positions, should it be out and therefore they must meet immediately.

To make their case sound sweet, the scammers would tell their targets that they were withholding some information which they would release to them on meeting them.

The Inquisitor gathered that Abronye’s name was often used by the scammers to scare their targets.

It is believed that the scammers are usually in league with employees of the agencies where their targets head for the heinous activities.
More soon!