Alcohol Helps You Speak A Foreign Language Better, Study Finds

Maybe if I’d known about this study sooner, than I could have had a couple of beers before my GCSE French exam and got an A*, because apparently, alcohol helps you speak a foreign language, better. Sensationnel! Oui Oui!
Apparently, those who partake in a spot of foreign language study, find sometimes, alcohol – in moderation, of course – helps them to speak more fluently. In a way, that makes sense too – not in a Joey Barton-turning French, kind of way! (Google it if you don’t know what I’m on about there)! Cringe!

It’s been revealed, supping a beer or a glass of wine can lower your inhibitions – obvs – which makes it easier for some people to overcome nervousness or hesitation when putting their foreign tongue to the test.