“Be Salt And Light To The World”- Palmer Buckle Tells Judges And Lawyers

Lawyers and judges have been called on to be the salt and light to the rest of the world in their quest to administer quality justice to all.

The Most Reverend Charles G. Palmer-Buckle, Archbishop of Cape Coast and Apostolic Administrator of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra, said in Ghana’s quest to secure justice, the country needs men and women who fear God and those who can pray for the gift of wisdom in order to administer justice.

The Most Rev. Palmer-Buckle, speaking in a sermon to mark the 61st Legal Year Church Service held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Accra, said the “country needs quality justice in reality of the realm to spearhead righteousness and quality in all our ways”.

The church service brought together Justices of the Superior and Lower Courts, staff of the Judicial Service, members of the Ghana Bar Association, the 279 newly enrolled lawyers and other dignitaries.

This year’s legal Year is being held under the theme: “Quality Justice Delivery: A Shared Responsibility.”

Most Rev Palmer-Buckle said in pursuing quality Justice, the country needs quality practitioners of justice and entreated the Judiciary and the clergy to endow people about righteousness so that people would hate bribe and other vices.

Most Rev Palmer- Buckle said it is time for the Judiciary to rolls up their sleeves and put their shoulders on the wheel of Ghana to redeem their God given vocation for humanity.
He said salt in the Bible represented a divine characteristic and it did not only give food taste but it preserved it.

“God expects the bar and bench to bring “taste” and love to all those around you. You should be discreet in today’s world.”