Women Who Do Not Know How To Cook Don’t Know Mathematics - MP

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Trobu Amasaman, Moses Anim, has expressed the view that women do not know how to prepare delicious meal because of their lack of understanding of mathematics.

He said in order for a woman to prepare a delicious meal, she would need to know how to calculate the number of ingredients to be used in the preparation of soup and stew which is mathematics.

According to him, all those who have not tasted any good soup or stew from a woman is primarily because of the said woman’s deficiency in mathematics.

The Member of Parliament was contributing to a report on a loan agreement of Eighty-eight million seven hundred and forty-five Ghana cedis (Ghc88,795,645.00) between the Government of Ghana and Israel for the construction, supply and installation of educational equipment for the 10 regional science, technology, engineering arts and mathematics education centers.

“Before a woman will make good soup, she should be able to know how much onions she will cut into the soup, she should know how much tomatoes should go into soup and all these is maths”, he said.

“If you have a wife and you are giving money to another woman to cook it is because the other woman is preparing good food because she knows her maths”, he said adding “My wife knows how to cook anyway”.

According to the MP, most people who have not have things right in certain aspects of their lives is due to their inability to give accurate calculation on the matter and it is the reason he believes science and mathematics education should be promoted to solve this deficit.

Not only did the MP attribute poor food preparation of women to their deficiency in mathematics but he also took a swipe at artisans such as masons for the structural defect in buildings because they do not get their calculations right which is mathematics.

Causing controversy in the floor, the MP also took the issue to the unemployed youth who are asking their MPs to help them secure employment saying the tall list of applications lying on the desks of MPs are all humanity graduates, an area which is already choked.

“it could have been easier getting them jobs if they were science and mathematics graduates because that is where the job opportunities are wide”, he said.