Letter To My Ex-Husband - A Real Life Story


Dear ex-husband,

I write this letter with nostalgia. I have come to realize how much you loved me in the past by your demonstration of compassion towards me in my current predicament.

Despite being my ex-husband, you have shown the sort of empathy that I cannot even expect in my dreams from my current husband.

Without any intention to disrespect my current husband, except to stick to the truth, he has utterly abandoned his responsibility to me as a legally married wife. In fact, he does not walk his talk despite all his boasting.

More importantly, I still remember very clearly, the bank account you opened for our unborn children before leaving and the savings you made from your earnings to secure their future health and education.

Although our dream of having children was not realized before our sad divorce, you generously and lovingly left all the savings behind for my own personal upkeep.

My current husband has not only failed to rise to the occasion and take care of me as you did, but he has also dissipated all the savings you left behind during this short current period of crisis. He chose to squander the savings you created for our future kids under the pretext of taking care of me while spending his own earnings on side-chicks and profligate expenses - he's living large. He has a casual relationship, if any at all, with savings.

I acknowledge receipt and express appreciation for the medication you have bought for me, the rice, oil, and all the foodstuffs you sent last week through my Chief, Nana Susubiribi.

I am even ashamed, that in spite of how I mistreated and humiliated you, the only thing I get back from you is more love, unending generosity, and selfless giving, which is definitely taking a toll on your own personal resources during my time of dire need.

I still vividly remember your kind words to me in the heat of our divorce. Even when I was shouting at you at that moment, you only said to me "posterity will vindicate me". My dear, you have been totally and utterly vindicated beyond any doubts.

I'm sorry JM.

I want you back!

Yaa Fremah
(A Registered Voter, Ghana)