NCCE Must Educate Ghanaians On Witchcraft Violence - Manhyia North MP

The Member of Parliament for Manhyia North, Collins Owusu Amankwah has urged the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) to step-up their effort at educating the public to have a better understanding of their civil responsibilities.

According to him, NCCE must go an extra mile to reach out to every Ghanaian.

Reacting to the lynching of a 90-Year-Old woman accused of being a witch in the Savannah Region on UTV's 'Adekye Nsroma', Collins Amankwah stated it is the duty of the NCCE to sensitize Ghanaians on issues like witchcraft violence.

“How is our Civic Education like? The laws are many. Parliament has done its part. Ghana, we have beautiful laws but after implementation, it is our responsibility to ensure that the laws work. NCCE should step up their game and educate Ghanaians on witchcraft related issues," he said.