It's Un-Islamic To Lynch - Baba Jamal Condemns Mentioning Allah In Murder Of 90-year-old Woman

Former Member of Parliament (MP) for Akwatia Constituency in the Eastern Region, Baba Jamal has joined in condemning the gruesome lynching of a 90-year-old woman, Akua Dentah.

According to him, the lynching of the 90-year-old woman is one of the most saddest experiences he has seen as the people were calling the name of Allah [God] while killing the helpless old woman in the presence of many people who looked unconcerned.

“One of the saddest experiences I have witnessed is the death of the 90-year-old woman, as people committing murder while mentioning the name of Allah. This is pure murder and there is nowhere in Islam where it is stated that if someone is a witch, the person should be lynched,” he bemoaned.

“Islam does not allow that people should subject others to this kind of ordeal as this old woman suffered in the hands of those women in the video, and so I was taken aback that the people were performing Atakbir [prayer] while killing the old woman. What they did have nothing to do with Islam, it is un-Islamic as it is against the teachings and rules of Islamic religion,” he emphasized.

Speaking on Okay FM’s 'Ade Akye Abia' Morning Show, Baba Jamal insisted that the behaviour of the women in the video lynching the 90-year old woman goes against the teachings of Islam as maximum respect is given to people who are 70-years and above.

“In Islam, one of the things important to us is to give respect to the aged. After Prophet Mohammed, the number of years that Allah has given to mankind is 70 years and so anybody who will be more than 70 years means that God [Allah] has blessed the person,” he mentioned.

“Where in Islam is it stated that if someone is assumed to be a witch, she should be subjected to this kind of treatment? I was really surprised that the entire community looked on unconcerned and participated in the torture of the old woman to death. We have a serious problem in our hands and we have a long way to go as a country,” he wondered.

Meanwhile, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mr. James Oppong-Boanuh, has announced an amount of GHS 2,000 reward for any person with information leading to the arrest of the suspects involved in the lynching of a 90-year-old woman for allegedly being a witch.