Uganda Military Outside Bobi Wine's Home Ahead Of Campaigns

Uganda's opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine, has tweeted photos of police and military outside his home ahead of planned campaigns for a by-election in Kayunga district.

President Yoweri Museveni is also expected to visit Kayunga to campaign for the ruling party's candidate for the district chairperson position.

The by-election is scheduled for Thursday and both the ruling and opposition parties want to show their might.

Bobi Wine has accused the police and military of attempting to block him from leaving his home:

This morning, ahead of my planned visit to Kayunga District to campaign for our flag bearer, the police and military deployed overnight around my home in an apparent attempt to block me from leaving. The cowardly regime is on its way out. A matter of time.#WeAreRemovingADictator

— BOBI WINE (@HEBobiwine) December 14, 2021

Local media report that police and military have also been deployed to Kayunga ahead of Tuesday's campaigns.

Kayunga was previously a ruling party stronghold until the former chairperson who died in office was elected from the opposition.

The ruling party wants to recapture the seat and has promised to elevate the town council to a municipality, Daily Monitor newspaper reports.