Security Boosted In Kwahu to Enhance Tourism And Deal With Crimes

The Ghana Police service has upgraded Kwahu Nkwatia District Police command to a Division to boost security for tourism, hoteliers, investors and traders and residents in the area.

The new Divisional Police Headquarters provided by Kwahu Development Association and Vehicle by Nana Owiredu Wadie (I) has been commissioned for operationalization.

The Kwahu area is a biggest tourism destination in Ghana where thousands of tourists throng the area every year for Easter and paragliding activities, as aresult many investors continue to build hotels, pubs and recreational centers in the area.

Kwahu Afram Plains area is also a food basket for the country , However the area continue to face some security challenges.

To help address these security concerns, the Ghana Police Service has upgraded Nkwatia District Police Command to a Division status to boost security in the area.

The new Divisional Headquarters and a brand new service Vehicle provided by Kwahu Development Association and Kwahu Nkwatia Nkosuohene Nana Owiredu Wadie (I) ,have been commissioned by the Police administration led by the Eastern Regional Police Commander DCOP Anderson Fosu-Ackah on behalf of the IGP.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, DCOP Anderson Fosu- Ackah said "about two years ago October 3rd, 2020 former Inspector General of Police Mr. James Opong Buanu raised Nkwatia Police station to District , afterwards a request was served to the former IGP to raise the Nkwatia District Police Station to Divisional level so IGP accepted the request and promised to work on it,
The Current IGP Dr. Akuffo Dampare also came and decided to continue to work on what was promised by the former IGP, so I had a call from IGP three days ago that Nkwatia is ready , they are giving us house and a car to work in it as police , so IGP says he is grateful to Nkwatiaman".

The Executive Director of Kabaka Foundation founded by Nkosuohene of Kwahu Nana Owiredu Wadie I ,Dr.Henry Larbi said the Vehicle was donated to help boost security for tourists and investors.

In a speech delivered by Nana Owiredu Wadie he said "the high importance of Policing can not be over emphasized, the spate of crime in the Kwahu enclave caused mainly by the nomadic activities of cattle rearers is of great concern, to mention a few we have arm robbery , rape and possible violence clashes between fulani herdsmen and crop farmers, thes cattle rearers belong to the cattle ranches provided by the present government in Afram Plains that is where they need to be , I trust that by commissioning this Divisional Police Command here goes a long way towards effective policing fighting this prime crime , I also pray that the various district police commands would exhibit high level of professionalism particularly in keeping save in format details so that such details do not leak to the public domain , I wish to acknowledge the effort of the Nkwatia Developmental Association".

Chief Superintendent Mariam Adu Osei is first Divisional Commander posted to the Nkwatia Divisional Headquarters.

She believes that the uplift of the Nkwatia District Police Station to Divisional status and she being the first Divisional Commander is a major step to boost the confidence of the police in the Nkwatia enclave in the fight against crime.

Residents including some traditional leaders are hopeful the new security arrangement will help deal with crime in the area through effective collaboration with stakeholders.