Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Is Bitter; His Report Is 'Bogus and Has No Substance' - Dennis Miracles

The Director of Local Government Services at the Office of the President, Dennis Miracles Aboagye says the report by Professor Frimpong-Boateng allegedly revealing officials in government involved in galamsey activities is "bogus".

According to Dennis Miracles, Professor Frimpong-Boateng's allegations are born out of bitterness.

Speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, he wondered why Professor Frimpong-Boateng failed to present the report about his purported saboteurs while he was working as the Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM) but waited till the year 2021 after he had vacated his post before sending the report to the Chief of Staff.

To him, Professor Frimpong-Boateng made up the allegations supposedly after he was found to be incapable of executing his duties effectively.

"The fact that you submitted this report in 2021 tells me you didn't do your job well because when I give you work to do, what you do is if you have any struggles and frustrations, you bring the report during the time you are working but not to wait for me to ask for the report before you bring it," he said.

He further questioned the veracity of the allegations raised by Professor Frimpong-Boateng against some officials in government and at the Jubilee House.

"Why are we not calling Professor Frimpong-Boateng and asking Professor Frimpong-Boateng to substantiate these allegations?"

Dennis Miracles vehemently concluded that "Professor Frimpong-Boateng write-up is bogus. It has no substance" and seemingly diverting attention from the fight against galamsey.

"Galamsey is a massive canker and we shouldn't allow such things to cover it up. We need to fight it. We need to fight the politicians. We need to fight the religious leaders. We need to fight the traditional authorities. We need to fight the private people who are involved," he asserted.