Don't Come To My Palace Without NHIS Card - Chief 'Orders' Indigenes

In a move to stimulate interest in the National Health Insurance Scheme and get his indigenes to access affordable healthcare, the Omanhene of Goaso traditional area, Nana Akwasi Bosompra has disclosed that the doors of his palace will be shut to anyone who attempts to visit the place without the NHIA card.

According to Nana Akwasi Bosompra it has become necessary to make the NHIS card a requirement for access to the place due to his recognition of the scheme as an intervention tailored for the healthcare and economic needs of his townsfolk.

Speaking during a visit by an NHIA delegation led by its Chief Executive Officer, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye, Nana Kwasi Bosompra disclosed that registration onto the NHIA has been made mandatory for every household under his Traditional Council as he believes it will enable them to access quality yet affordable healthcare.

He appealed to traditional leaders across the country to ramp up efforts in encouraging people to register for the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

He indicated that the role of Chiefs in ensuring that every Ghanian has medical insurance cannot be overlooked hence there is the need to revive community involvement in the affairs of the NHIS.

“If you want to summon anyone, you must come with an NHIA card. If you can get money to litigate then you surely must have money to for health insurance. I’m introducing this innovation to use the powers we have to help our people. As traditional rulers, sometimes we have to force our people to do the right thing”, he said.