Mahama Not An Alternative - Charles Owusu Fires

Former Head of Monitoring Unit at the Forestry Commission, Charles Owusu has 'declared' defeat for the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) ahead of the 2024 elections.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' Charles Owusu said the NDC's flagbearer, Former President John Mahama has not brought anything new to the 'table' so far to convince Ghanaians that he's an alternative.

"What message has the NDC brought so far that they expect to win the 2024 election? They don't have anything to say. All former President John Mahama is doing is criticizing the ruling government but what different message is he bringing? If he's bringing something different, he should tell us but as we speak, he's said nothing. Until he tells us something new that we know will help the nation, he'll lose the upcoming election. If we want an alternative from the ruling government, it's not (former) President Mahama" he declared.

Listen to him in the video below